Paul McAuley
Paul McAuley started writing at the age of 15, when he borrowed a typerwriter and produced half a science fiction novel set on Mars. After writing 2 unpublishable novels, he then turned to a life of academia. He graduated with a BSc in Botany and Zoology from Bristol University, completed a PhD on plant animal symbiosis, worked as a researcher at Oxford and at UCLA and then becaume a lecturer at the University of St Andrews. During this time, he published 6.novels, including "Fairyland", which won the Arthur C. Clarke and John W. Campbell Awards. In 1996 and "Four Hundred Billion Stars", which won the Philip K Dick Award in 1988, Paul decided to become a full-time writer when he realized it was getting harder to find time to write and think about writing while also working on the "day job".
Paul's work is described as 'hard science fiction' and he says himself that his scientific background has influenced and informed his writing. He has a curiosity about how the world works and the way technology has changed it in the past, is changing it now and may change it in the future. He has now written more than 20 books, including science fiction, thrillers and crime novels, a Doctor Who novella, and has also written over 80 short stories. Recently he completed a BFI Classic Guide on Terry Gilliam's "Brazil". His 21st novel "Into Everywhere" was published in 2016.
Paul describes himself as a huge science junky who spends too much time tweeting about weird and wonderful stuff and was listed in "Time" magazine's 140 most interesting tweeters in 2013. He lives in North London with his partner and is occasionally haunted by a cat.
Bibliography (courtesy of Wikipedia)
Four Hundred Billion Stars Series
- Four Hundred Billion Stars 1988 — Philip K. Dick Award winner, 1988
- Secret Harmonies (US title: Of the Fall) 1989
- Eternal Light 1991 — BSFA Award nominee 1991; Clarke Award nominee, 1992
The Confluence Series
- Child of the River 1997
- Ancients of Days 1998
- Shrine of Stars 1999
- Confluence – The Trilogy 2014
The Quiet War series
- The Quiet War 2008 — Clarke Award nominee, 2009
- Gardens of the Sun 2009
- In the Mouth of the Whale 2012
- Evening's Empires 2013
- Stories from the Quiet War 2011, a collection of five stories:
- "Making History", first published in 2000
- "Incomers", first published in 2008
- "Second Skin", first published in 1997 in Asimov's
- "Reef", first published in 2000
- "Karyl's War", first published in this collection
The Choice series
- Something Coming Through 2015
- Into Everywhere 2016
Other novels
- Red Dust 1993
- Pasquale's Angel 1994 — Clarke and British Fantasy Awards nominee, 1995
- Fairyland 1995 — BSFA Award nominee, 1995; Clarke Award winner, 1996; Campbell Award winner, 1997
- The Secret of Life 2001 — BSFA Award nominee, 2001; Clarke Award nominee, 2002
- Whole Wide World 2002
- White Devils 2004 — Campbell Award nominee, 2005
- Mind's Eye 2005 — Campbell Award nominee, 2006
- Players 2007
- Cowboy Angels 2007
- Making History 2000
- The Eye of the Tyger 2003 (a Doctor Who novella)
- King of the Hill 1988
- The King of the Hill
- Karl and the Ogre
- Transcendence
- The Temporary King
- Exiles
- Little Ilya and Spider and Box
- The Airs of Earth
- The Heirs of Earth
- The Invisible Country 1996 — Philip K. Dick Award nominee, 1998
- "Gene Wars" (1991)
- Prison Dreams
- "Recording Angel" (1995)
- Dr Luther's Assistant
- "The Temptation of Dr. Stein" (1996)
- Children of the Revolution
- The True History of Doctor Pretorius
- Slaves
- Little Machines 2005
- The Two Dicks
- Residuals
- 17
- All Tomorrow's Parties
- Interstitial
- How we Lost the Moon
- Under Mars
- Danger: Hard Hack Area
- The Madness of Crowds
- The Secret of My Success
- The Proxy
- I Spy
- The Rift
- Alien TV
- Before the Flood
- A Very British History
- Cross Roads Blues
- A Very British History 2013.
- Little Ilya and Spider and Box
- The Temporary King
- Cross Road Blues
- Gene Wars
- Prison Dreams
- Children of the Revolution
- Recording Angel
- Second Skin
- All Tomorrow's Parties
- 17
- Sea Change, With Monsters
- How We Lost the Moon, A True Story by Frank W. Allen
- A Very British History
- The Two Dicks
- Meat
- Rocket Boy
- The Thought War
- City of the Dead
- Little Lost Robot
- Shadow Life
- The Choice
Short Stories
- "Antarctica starts here"; Asimov's Science Fiction 36 (10 & 11): 48–56. Oct–Nov 2012.
- "A Brief Guide To Other Histories"
- "Edna Sharrow"
- "Inheritance"
- "Planet of Fear" (2015) in Old Venus (anthology)
- "Rocket Boy"
- "Winning Peace" (2016), in the collection Galactic Empires by Neil Clarke